Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Nadirah and Dolly Talk

Charlotte:  Ahem, excuse me!

Olivia:  What?

Charlotte:  Are we just dolls to be sitting in a stuffy plastic bag ALL DAY?!!!!

Olivia:  Calm down, please Charlotte.  I know she didn't mean that.

Charlotte:  What did we do to deserve such treatment? (Wah!)

Olivia:  Did you see?  Mom got really sleepy and tired.  She even tried to take a nap so she could stay awake and it just didn't help.

Charlotte:  Don't make excuses for her.  We WERE SUPPOSED TO GET PICTURES TAKEN TOO!!  WHY BRING US IF WE'RE JUST GOING TO SIT IN A BAG ALLLLLLLL DAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????????

Nadirah:  I'm so sorry that happened Charlotte.  I don't think Mom had planned that to happen.  Remember, we WERE SUPPOSED TO BE GOING OUTSIDE. 

Charlotte:  Okay, but at least you were taken out of the bag and got to see other people.  Nobody saw us.  It's not fair.  I thought we would be treated fairly.

Olivia:  sigh....Charlotte, we're dolls.  And Mom is at work.  She works in a different area now where its not so easy to take us out and set us up.  She has work to do FIRST, and when its all FINISHED then we come out.  Please don't be so angry, Mom doesn't like us to be upset.  She really tries and its not easy.

Me:  Charlotte, please forgive me.  You're right that was not supposed to happen.  I did want to take you guys to the park and take some pictures.  I have no excuse.  I'm sorry sweet child.  Please accept my apologies. 

Charlottetaking a deep breathe...I forgive you.

Me:  Thank you sweetie.  I do love you, you know.  I love all of you.  And I miss taking you out and showing you off.  One day, God willing, it will happen again.  And you Charlotte will not be left in a bag all day. 

Gotta go to work....running late.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Doll talk

Olivia:  I wonder who's going out tomorrow.

Brittany:  Probably Charlotte and Nadirah.  Mom found both of them this evening.

Olivia:  Nadirah?  Why her?  Isn't she a little doll?

Nadirah:  No, I'm not a "little doll"!  I'm as tall as you are, just a different type of doll.  More like a young adult, you guys are like young teenagers.

Olivia:  Oh, okay.   I guess that sums it up.

Brittany: (smiles) and shakes her head.

Serena:  I saw Mom on Ebay last night.  She was looking at some boots for us.

Lizzette:  Alright! Woo hoo!! She was looking at some outfits too.  I saw her on Facebook on Sunday, she was talking to a lady named Jodie who makes outfits that would fit us.

Olivia:  But don't we have a lot of clothing already?  We might need a new container for these newer outfits.  Is she going to buy one for each one of us? Hmm?

Lizzette:  I don't know.  I'll have to ask her when she gets off the computer.  If she gets enough, we can all wear the outfits.  The clothes we already have is a lot.  I know Mom misses Maggie & Kate.  They really made beautiful clothing for us.

Brittany:  I haven't met the other girls.  Have you?

Olivia:  What other girls?  There are more?  Like us?

Me:  Yes, there are more just like you Olivia.

Olivia: Huh? Oh, Mom, you startled me. (smiles sheepishly)

Me:  (Returns the smile)  You haven't met - Savannah, Indirah, Tine'a, Mz. Amber, Prudence, Piper and you already know Angel.  Then there's the smaller bodied gals like Nadirah, Antoinette, Camille (the young adults) and Jacqueline (Nadirah's older sister), Friday Foster, Lara and Lana Croft, Orlando and Jeremy, and Russell Williams. As well as Angelique, Evangeline, Ginger and Parnilla.

Olivia:  Wow! We have that many in the dolls living here?!  That's awesome! (Pumps her hand)  I hope I get to meet them soon.

Me:  You will.  Ladies it's time to watch a movie.  Let me make us some popcorn, okay?

All of the young ladies, shout:  Yeah!! Thanks Mom!

           Have a blessed evening!

The missing photos

Found some more photos...I'm still kind of confused...I'll just have to pray on it.


Brittany (with a new hairstyle) and Olivia

showing off their whole ensemble

wearing matching outfits

This is all for now.  Time to watch a movie!  More pictures tomorrow.  Guess who's going out tomorrow?
Stay tuned and have a blessed evening.

I found them!!

I guess when you get my age, you're bound to lose your mind at some point in life.  Lol!  It's funny, yesterday I wanted to post pics of all the new girls that I got sort of like a last minute Christmas gift.  I didn't realize until the very end that one more gal was missing.  And that was Cozy Coat, Dressy Dress Lizzette.  :( 

I'll be right back.  I'm trying to access the pictures, but Google is trying to get me interested in more of their products.  Sheesh!

I'm back.  I also found some more pictures.  Let me see if I can put them here. Okay, these pictures are of Cozy who's just been renamed to Charlotte.  Apparently Olivia (Overhead Costs) was the first doll who came to live here, then Brittany (Bold Move), Charlotte (Cozy Coat), Serena (Sultry & Serene) and last but not least Lizzette (Urban Essentials Spice).

So here's all the pictures I took...not in order either.

Angelique & Olivia, redressed

close up

Brittany, hanging out in the chamber
for jurors
When I went back to work, Brittany came to hang out with me.

From the window

It really was a beautiful day!

Oh, just hanging around
Brittany with a new do and outfit.

Posing while I do my computer stuff.

Just hanging around the house.

Olivia came to hang out and take pictures as well.
Brittany:  Olivia, hold your head like so!

Olivia:  like this?  Are we supposed to be seeing something?

Brittany:  I hope people can see me.  It's kind of dark here.
Where's the light?

Brittany:  Oh, this is so much better.

Brittany and Olivia BFF


Saturday, November 17, 2018

My not so new dolls...

I have to find the pictures I took of Bold Move Lizzette.  She arrived while I had jury duty so I brought her to court with me and took some pics of her there.

Bold Move Lizzette

Here she is just chilling out while
I wait to go inside.

She loves taking pictures!
She's been renamed: Brittney!
It was a very nice day for pictures!
This is my fav pose!

Yes!! Check out her reflection.
I didn't really like the wig.  But I guess they didn't want to make it long.  The 2nd Lizzette that came out, she was a wigged doll.  One of the wigs was similar to this one only it was longer.
I did find more pictures!  Its amazing where they were found - I have pictures everywhere!! lol!
Here's "My Angel" (on the left) and Olivia.
Now since I'm trying to put some pictures up, I realized that Overhead Costs and Cozy Coat, Dressy Dress both look very similar to each other.  You check it out and let me know what you think..
    Cozy Coat, Dressy Dress                     and                      Overhead Costs
now I did purchase both of these dolls, but I can't tell which is which.  I got Overhead with clothes and Cozy Coat I got nude.  Now I have to do a search for Cozy Coat.  Too bad she can't really talk otherwise she could tell me where she is! Lol! :p
Well, its now 11:54 pm and I need to go to sleep.  Work tomorrow.  Will post more pics and then see if I can find this doll before bed.
Stay blessed!  




I can't believe that this is November 2018.  Only two more months to go and the new year will be here! Wow!  Where has all the time gone?  I guess we'd best enjoy it as much as we can.

             So without further ado, introducing my newest gals!  (They've been here since June 2017 [my early & late birthday and Christmas presents]) :D  They've decided to come and hang out with me at work.

 Overhead Costs
Isn't she precious?

just chillin.....
She finally took off her hat!  It was kind of hot in my office...lol!
her front shot
after I brought her home, she met
Angel.  Angel was so glad to meet her
cousin Olivia.
then came Windy City Angelique
 here's her close up
When I first saw her, I almost lost my mind!
I love this look on her ~ the light colored hair!
We bonded from the first picture that I saw of her.
Guess who else is here?  Yep, Parnilla Ghastly!
(I love this face paint on her ~ she looks very normal)
Her actual photo
"In the Storm's Eye"
Parnilla Ghastly

In her box. 
I unfortunately was not able
to get her with her original outfit.
She came nude....

Here she is redressed!
Angelique & Parnilla came together.
They're just hanging around my desk.

Redressed in a Mary & Kate Create original
outfit. It looks perfect on her!

B/W photo

She's getting quite comfortable here!

chilling with Olivia
Hmm, looks like they were having
a nice little chat!
Here's some photos I took of Angelique
(She's keeping this name, I didn't really bond
with the first one, so I gave her away).


Here's her close up after I redressed her.


My new gals.
I've got more pictures of the rest of the girls, but I'll put that on another post.
Have a blessed day!