Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Nadirah and Dolly Talk

Charlotte:  Ahem, excuse me!

Olivia:  What?

Charlotte:  Are we just dolls to be sitting in a stuffy plastic bag ALL DAY?!!!!

Olivia:  Calm down, please Charlotte.  I know she didn't mean that.

Charlotte:  What did we do to deserve such treatment? (Wah!)

Olivia:  Did you see?  Mom got really sleepy and tired.  She even tried to take a nap so she could stay awake and it just didn't help.

Charlotte:  Don't make excuses for her.  We WERE SUPPOSED TO GET PICTURES TAKEN TOO!!  WHY BRING US IF WE'RE JUST GOING TO SIT IN A BAG ALLLLLLLL DAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!?????????????????????????????

Nadirah:  I'm so sorry that happened Charlotte.  I don't think Mom had planned that to happen.  Remember, we WERE SUPPOSED TO BE GOING OUTSIDE. 

Charlotte:  Okay, but at least you were taken out of the bag and got to see other people.  Nobody saw us.  It's not fair.  I thought we would be treated fairly.

Olivia:  sigh....Charlotte, we're dolls.  And Mom is at work.  She works in a different area now where its not so easy to take us out and set us up.  She has work to do FIRST, and when its all FINISHED then we come out.  Please don't be so angry, Mom doesn't like us to be upset.  She really tries and its not easy.

Me:  Charlotte, please forgive me.  You're right that was not supposed to happen.  I did want to take you guys to the park and take some pictures.  I have no excuse.  I'm sorry sweet child.  Please accept my apologies. 

Charlottetaking a deep breathe...I forgive you.

Me:  Thank you sweetie.  I do love you, you know.  I love all of you.  And I miss taking you out and showing you off.  One day, God willing, it will happen again.  And you Charlotte will not be left in a bag all day. 

Gotta go to work....running late.

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