Sunday, November 18, 2018

Doll talk

Olivia:  I wonder who's going out tomorrow.

Brittany:  Probably Charlotte and Nadirah.  Mom found both of them this evening.

Olivia:  Nadirah?  Why her?  Isn't she a little doll?

Nadirah:  No, I'm not a "little doll"!  I'm as tall as you are, just a different type of doll.  More like a young adult, you guys are like young teenagers.

Olivia:  Oh, okay.   I guess that sums it up.

Brittany: (smiles) and shakes her head.

Serena:  I saw Mom on Ebay last night.  She was looking at some boots for us.

Lizzette:  Alright! Woo hoo!! She was looking at some outfits too.  I saw her on Facebook on Sunday, she was talking to a lady named Jodie who makes outfits that would fit us.

Olivia:  But don't we have a lot of clothing already?  We might need a new container for these newer outfits.  Is she going to buy one for each one of us? Hmm?

Lizzette:  I don't know.  I'll have to ask her when she gets off the computer.  If she gets enough, we can all wear the outfits.  The clothes we already have is a lot.  I know Mom misses Maggie & Kate.  They really made beautiful clothing for us.

Brittany:  I haven't met the other girls.  Have you?

Olivia:  What other girls?  There are more?  Like us?

Me:  Yes, there are more just like you Olivia.

Olivia: Huh? Oh, Mom, you startled me. (smiles sheepishly)

Me:  (Returns the smile)  You haven't met - Savannah, Indirah, Tine'a, Mz. Amber, Prudence, Piper and you already know Angel.  Then there's the smaller bodied gals like Nadirah, Antoinette, Camille (the young adults) and Jacqueline (Nadirah's older sister), Friday Foster, Lara and Lana Croft, Orlando and Jeremy, and Russell Williams. As well as Angelique, Evangeline, Ginger and Parnilla.

Olivia:  Wow! We have that many in the dolls living here?!  That's awesome! (Pumps her hand)  I hope I get to meet them soon.

Me:  You will.  Ladies it's time to watch a movie.  Let me make us some popcorn, okay?

All of the young ladies, shout:  Yeah!! Thanks Mom!

           Have a blessed evening!

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