Saturday, November 17, 2018

My not so new dolls...

I have to find the pictures I took of Bold Move Lizzette.  She arrived while I had jury duty so I brought her to court with me and took some pics of her there.

Bold Move Lizzette

Here she is just chilling out while
I wait to go inside.

She loves taking pictures!
She's been renamed: Brittney!
It was a very nice day for pictures!
This is my fav pose!

Yes!! Check out her reflection.
I didn't really like the wig.  But I guess they didn't want to make it long.  The 2nd Lizzette that came out, she was a wigged doll.  One of the wigs was similar to this one only it was longer.
I did find more pictures!  Its amazing where they were found - I have pictures everywhere!! lol!
Here's "My Angel" (on the left) and Olivia.
Now since I'm trying to put some pictures up, I realized that Overhead Costs and Cozy Coat, Dressy Dress both look very similar to each other.  You check it out and let me know what you think..
    Cozy Coat, Dressy Dress                     and                      Overhead Costs
now I did purchase both of these dolls, but I can't tell which is which.  I got Overhead with clothes and Cozy Coat I got nude.  Now I have to do a search for Cozy Coat.  Too bad she can't really talk otherwise she could tell me where she is! Lol! :p
Well, its now 11:54 pm and I need to go to sleep.  Work tomorrow.  Will post more pics and then see if I can find this doll before bed.
Stay blessed!  



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