Tuesday, September 24, 2013

It's been a while since my last post

Forgot to check the date the last time I posted  - ah well.  Guess what?  Got another new doll!  Yep, got me another Prudence!  I didn't really take too many pictures of her - she is so upset with me!!  Woo hoo!  She's been hanging out in a not so really nice place...take a look!

Guess where she's been spending most of her days and nights?  In my drawer at work!!
Those are diamond forks by the way! LOL!
I've been so busy at work, that I haven't had the time to take proper pictures of her.  But I did take time to rename her, formerly Prudence, Miss Match now named Piper!
Here's her original pictures from WI
Yep, she's definitely mismatched with this outfit! LOL!

She is quite a lovely doll!  I love that pink/fuchsia strip in her hair.  It gives her character!

Here's one that I was able to take after bringing them home.
I had to change their outfits as it was getting chilly at work!
Pru and Piper
don't those names sound familiar?  If you've watched Charmed.....yep, that's where I got Piper's name.  sigh...I do miss that show sometimes, but I saw all the episodes  - every last one of them!  I cried at every episode too!
This is all for now - gotta get ready for bed.  Still thinking about going to work tomorrow - eh, we'll see.  Wait a minute - I have to go check my mail, Ms. Eva is due to arrive any day this week.  She needs a new outfit and I have to find the shoes I bought for her.  She's had some work done on her body, alas I couldn't find her left hand and ball joint!  sniff, sniff.... 
I do miss her though.  She's been gone since the summer.  More pictures, hopefully later this week. 
Goodnight!  Enjoy!